DIVA reports

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DIVA Technical reports

The DIVA Technical reports is a series of 12 reports presenting results from DIVA.
For most reports a summary in rtf-format and the full report in pdf-format will be available. The pdf-files are rather big and time demanding to download with slow internet connections (modem). For each file, the approximate file-size is indicated. Rtf-files can be read by most word-processors. To print and read pdf-files Adobe Acrobat Reader must by installed on the computer. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader here

 Report name   Authors Download summary and/or full report
DIVA Technical report no 1. Recent ornithological surveys in the Valles region, southern Bolivia. Jon Fjeldså and Sjoerd Maijer
DIVA Technical report no 2. Oyacachi - People and biodiversity. Selene Báez, Jon Fjeldså, Niels Krabbe, Pablo Morales Males, Hugo Navarette, Bent Otto Poulsen, Richard Resl, Inge Schjellerup, Flemming Skov, Bertil Ståhl and Benjamin Øllgaard
  • Contact DIVA for information on report 
DIVA, Technical Report 2. Oyacachi. La gente y la biodiversidad Selene Báez, Jon Fjeldså, Niels Krabbe, Pablo Morales Males, Hugo Navarette, Bent Otto Poulsen, Richard Resl, Inge Schjellerup, Flemming Skov, Bertil Ståhl y Benjamin Øllgaard
DIVA Technical report no 3. People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador Selene Báez, Henrik Borgtoft, Jon Fjeldså, Niels Krabbe, Pablo Morales, Hugo Navarette, Richard Resl, Inge Schjellerup, Flemming Skov, Bertil Ståhl and Benjamin Øllgaard
  • Contact DIVA for information on report 
DIVA Technical report no 4. Avian diversity in the Ecuadorian Andes - an atlas of distribution of Andean forest birds and conservation priorities  Niels Krabbe, Flemming Skov, Jon Fjeldså and Ib Kragh Petersen  
DIVA Technical report no 5. Peru´s humid eastern montane forests: An overview of their physical settings, biological diversity, human use and settlement, and conservation needs Kenneth R. Young and Blanca León
DIVA Technical report no 6. Monitoring and management of high Andean biodiversity and forests in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Nicholas Moray Williams, Poul Nygaard Andersen, Thor Hjarsen
DIVA Technical report no 7. Cocapata and Saila Pata: People and Biodiversity in a Bolivian montane valley. Jon Fjeldså, Michael Kessler & Glenn Swanson  
DIVA Technical report no 8. La Morada - people and biodiversity // - la gente y la biodiversidad Carolina Espinoza, Victor Quipuscoa, Inge Schjellerup, Maria del Carmen Samamé, David Ramirez & Jon Fjeldså.
DIVA Technical report no 9. Lamas - people and biodiversity // - la gente y la biodiversidad Eduardo Achútequi, Victor Quipuscoa, Inge Schjellerup & Jon Fjeldså  
DIVA Technical report no 10. Yanchala - people and biodiversity // - la gente y la biodiversidad Carolina Espinoza, Victor Quipuscoa, Inge Schjellerup & Jon Fjeldså.  
DIVA Technical report no 11. Conservando la diversidad biológica de los bosques de Polylepis de las tierras altas de Bolivia. Una contribución al manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales en los Andes. Jon Fjeldså and Michael Kessler