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DIVA publication list
Publication list from DIVA 1994-1999. The documents listed here are all made by DIVA or are related to the work done by DIVA. The publication list can also be downloaded as an rtf-file. DIVA publication list. Rtf-files can be read by most word-processors.
 Scientific & Professional journals  Conferences - Presentations Newspapers, television, radio

 Scientific & Professional journals  Index

1. Achutegui E., Schjellerup I., & Quipuscoa V. (1998). Wayko-Lamas: Comunidad Quechua en la Selva Alta del Norte peruaNO Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. 5:143-156.
2. Andersen E.Ø. & Øllgaard B. (1996). A note on some morphological terms of the leaf in the Gleicheniaceae. Amer. Fern J. 86:52-57.
3. Andersen P.N. & Williams N.M. (1996). Fugle og satellitbilleder - et feltprojekt i Bolivia. Dyr i Natur og Museum. 2:11-14.
4. Baez, S. (1997). Appendix 4. Plants used by the community of Oyacachi. pp. 113-119. In Pedersen H.B. (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA)
5. Best B.J., Krabbe N., Clarke C.T., & Best A.L. (1995). Red-masked parakeet Aratinga erythrogenys and grey-cheeked parakeet Brotogeris pyrrhopterus: two threatened parrots from Tumbesian Ecuador and Peru? Bird. Cons. Internat. 5:233-250.
6. Bloch H. & Rahbek C. (1996). Ecuador. Den rigeste bjergregnskov i verden. In Strange M. (ed.) Fuglene kender ikke grænser. København. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening .
7. Borchsenius F. & Skov F. (1997). Ecological requirements of Ecuadorian Palms. Principes.
8. Borgtoft H., Skov F., Fjeldså J., Schjellerup I., & Øllgaard B. (1998). People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. DIVA Technical report NO 3. Borgtoft H (ed.) Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA). Kalø, Denmark. pp. 1-190.
9. Chepstow-Lusty A.J., Bennett K.D., Fjeldså, J., Kendall A., Galiano W. & Tupayachi, H. A. (In press) When two worlds collide: comparing human impact on fragile ecosystems before and after the Inca. Tawantinsuyu
10. Chepstow-Lusty A.J., Bennett, K.D., Fjeldså J., Kendall, A., Galiano W. & Tupayachi H. A. (in press.) Tracing 4,000 years of environmental history in the Cuzco area, Peru, from the pollen record. Mountain Research and Development 18:159-172.
11. DIVA. (1997) Oyacachi - people and biodiversity. DIVA Technical report No 2. Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA). Kalø, Denmark. pp. 1-120.
12. Espinoza C. (1997) Colonisación y salud reproductiva. Día de la no violencia en contra de La mujer 25-Noviembre Trujillo-Peru. Consejo Regional de Poblacíon. CONAPO Trujillo, Peru.
13. Espinoza C. (1997). Análisis de genero en al percepción del medio ambiente de la pobolación andina y su desafío en el desarollo. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Quito, 7-11 de Julio de 1997. Simposio de antropologia, ANT 09: Diversidad Cultural y Biológica en el Region Andino p.115.
14. Espinoza, C. (1997) Fecundidad y medio ambiente. Seminario Fecundidad en La Region La Libertad, Situación Actual y Perspectivas. 12 Julio Consejo Regional de Población, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas, Minesterio de Promocion de la Mujer y Desarollo HumaNO Trujillo,Peru pp. 22-25.
15. Fjeldså J. (1995) Geographical patterns of neoendemic and relict species of Andean forest birds: the significance of ecological stability areas. pp. 89-109. In Churchill SP (ed.)Biodiversity and Conservation of Neotropical Montane Forests. New York Bot. Gard., New York.
16. Fjeldså J. & Maijer S. (1996). Recent ornithological surveys in the Valles region, southern Bolivia and the possible role of Valles for the evolution of the Andean avifauna. DIVA Technical report NO 1.Berthelsen J. (ed.) Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA). Kalø, Denmark pp. 1-62.
17. Fjeldså J., Øllgaard B., Poulsen B.O., & Krabbe N. (1997) Biodiversity. pp. 58-79. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA)
18. Fjeldså, J. & Rahbek C. (1997) Species richness and endemism in South American birds: implications for the design of networks of nature reserves. pp. 466-482. In Laurance FR, Moritz C, and Bierregaard R (eds.) Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, Management and Conservation of Fragmented Communities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
19. Fjeldså, J. & Hjarsen T. (1998) Sustanability for Andean forestry. III international symposium of the Andean Association, Quito, Ecuador. Dec. 9-14, 1998.
20. Fjeldså, J., Øllgaard B., Ståhl B., & Navarette H. (1998) Biodiversity. pp. 134-158. In Borgtoft H., Skov F., Fjeldså J., Schjellerup I., and Øllgaard B. (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report No 3.
21. Fjeldså, J. & Rahbek C. (1998) Priorities for conservation in Bolivia, illustrated by a continent-wide analysis of bird distribution. pp. 312-327. In Barthlott W. and Winiger M. (eds.) Biodiversity - a challenge for development research and policy. Berlin & Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
22. Fjeldså, J. & Krabbe N. (1998) Appendix 2. Birds of Makuma-Muints, Cutucú and Canelos-Chapetón areas. pp. 167-179. In Pedersen HB, Skov F, Fjeldså J, Schjellerup I, and Øllgaard B (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report NO 3.
23. Fjeldså, J. (1999) (In press) Setting priorities for global conservation - why systematics matter. Envir. Cons.
24. Fjeldså, J., Lambin E., & Mertens B. (In press) The relationship of species richness and endemism to ecoclimatic stability - a case study comparing distributions of Andean birds with remotely sensed environmental data. Ecography
25. Fjeldså,J., Herzog S.K., Kessler M., & Balderrama J.A. (in press) Ornithological surveys of the Cordillera Cocapata, depto. Cochabamba, Bolivia, a transition zone between humid and dry intermontane Andean habitats. Bull.Brit.Orn. Club.
26. Fjeldså J. & Rahbek C. (In press) Continent-wide diversification processes and conservation priorities. In Mace G. M., Balmford A. & Ginsberg J. R. (eds.) Conservation in a changing world. Integrating processes into priorities for action. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
27. Hansen, H.S., Skov, F. & Skop, E. (In press). Anvendelse af GIS i Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. GIS i Danmark 2.
28. Hjarsen T. (1995) Bæredygtig udvikling i Bolivias højland? DOF-nyt 2:4-5.
29. Hjarsen T. (1996) Plantations threaten endangered birds in the Bolivian Andes. Flora and Fauna International News 6: 2-3.
30. Hjarsen T. (1996) De gode viljer - men de forkerte træer. DOF-nyt 4:3-5.
31. Hjarsen T. (1996) La avifauna de las plantaciones y bosques nativos en las altos Andes de Bolivia. Actas de III enceuntro Boliviano para la conservacion de las aves 18 - 20 Octubre. 1996 pp. 31-33. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
32. Hjarsen T. (1997) Plantaciones forestales: un camino en perspectiva. Actualidad Forestal Tropical 5(2): 15-15.
33. Hjarsen T. (1997) Biological diversity in high Andean woodlands and plantations in Bolivia. CEDLA workshop, 1997, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in Latin America Nov.27-28 pp. 1-16. Amsterdam
34. Hjarsen T. (1997) Bird fauna and vegetation in natural woodlands and eucalyptus plantations in the high Andes in Bolivia - implications for development of sustainable agroforestry techniques. Proc. IUFRA Conference on Silviculture and Improvements of Eucalyptus 4:pp. 89-94. EMBRAPA; Salvador, Colombo, Brazil
35. Hjarsen T. (1997) Eukalyptus og fyr i Bolivia. Skoven 1:26-29.
36. Hjarsen T. (1997) Effects of Rural Forestry and Planatations on High Andean Biodiversity. Mountain Forum Bulletin 14-15.
37. Hjarsen T. (1997) Birds in High Andean woodlands and plantations in Bolivia. Implications for development of sustainable land-use, M. Sc. Thesis Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen; pp. 1-205.
38. Hjarsen T. (1997) The Effects of Plantations in the Andes. Tropical Forest Update 7(2): 15-15.
39. Hjarsen T. (1998) Træer og CO2-reduktion - myter og fakta. MiljøDanmark. 124:22-24.
40. Hjarsen T., Rahbek C., & Fjeldså J. (1998) At frede rigtigt. Udvikling. 2:30-33.
41. Hjarsen T. (1998) Giver mere skov mindre CO2. Global Økologi. 5:23-24.
42. Krabbe N., Poulsen B.O., Frølander A., Hinojosa B.M., & Quiroga O.C. (1996) Birds of montane forest fragments in Chuquisaca Department, Bolivia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club. 116:230-143.
43. Krabbe N., Poulsen B.O., Frølander A., & Barahona O.R. (1997) Range extensions of cloud forest birds from the high Andes of Ecuador: new sites for rare and little-recorded species. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 117:248-256.
44. Krabbe N., Skov F., Fjeldså J., & Petersen I.K. (1998) Avian diversity in the Ecuadorian Andes - an atlas of distribution of Andean forest birds and conservation priorities. DIVA Technical report NO 4. Skov F. & Borgtoft H. (eds.) Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA). Kalø, Denmark. pp. 1-143.
45. Leiva S. & Quipuscoa V. (1998) Nuevas especies andinas de Larnax (Solanaceae) de Ecuador y Peru. Arnaldoa. 5(1): 83-92.
46. Leiva S. & Quipuscoa V. (1998) Iochroma stenanthum (Solanaceae: Solaneae) una nueva especie del Norte de Peru. Arnaldoa. 5(1): 77-82.
47. Morales P.M. , Schjellerup I., Baez S. (1998) The Quichua of Canelos and Chapetón. pp. 21-82. In Borgtoft H., Skov F., Fjeldså J., Schjellerup I., and Øllgaard B. (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report NO 3.
48. Morales P.M. , Schjellerup I., Baez S., & Backewall Å. (1998) The Shuar of Makuma and Mutints. pp. 83-158. In Borgtoft H., Skov F, Fjeldså J, Schjellerup I, and Øllgaard B (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report NO 3.
49. Morales P.M., Mosquera G., & Ulfelder B. (1995) Resultados del taller participativo en Oyacachi, DIVA - Reporte Técnico. DIVA, FUNAN, TNC. Quito. pp. 1-3.
50. Morales P.M. (1996) Taller: Perspectivas de manejo comunitario de recursos naturales - Comuna Oyacachi - Reserva Cayambe-Coca. DIVA - Reporte Técnico 2.Quito..
51. Morales P.M. (1996) Intercambio de experiencias para el manejo de recursos naturales en la Comuna Oyacachi - Reserva Ecologica Cayambe Cova. DIVA - Reporte Técnico 2.Anonymous
52. Morales P.M. (1996) Informe de la Comuna Oyacachi, El Chaco, Provincia del Napo, Reserva Ecologica Cayambe Coca. DIVA - Reporte Técnico pp. 1-71.
53. Morales P.M. & Schjellerup I. (1997) Appendix 5. Institutions working in the community of Oyacachi. pp. 120-120. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA)
54. Morales P.M. & Schjellerup I. (1997) The people and their culture. pp. 25-57. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA)
55. Moran R. & Øllgaard B. (1995) Six new species of ferns (Polypodiopsida) from Ecuador. Nordic. J. Bot. 15:177-185.
56. Moran R.C. & Øllgaard B. (1999) New species of ferns (Polypodiopsida) from Ecuador. Nordic. J. Bot. 18:431-439.
57. Poulsen B.O. & Krabbe N. (1997) Avifaunal diversity of five high-altitude cloud forests on the Andean western slope of Ecuador: testing a rapid assessment method. J. Biogeography.
58. Poulsen B.O. (1994) Mist-netting as a census method for determining species richness and abundances in an Andean cloud forest bird community. Gerfaut. 84:39-49.
59. Poulsen B.O. (1995) Fuglediversitet og feltarbejde i Ecuadors Andesbjerge - et tværfagligt samarbejde. Dyr i Natur og Museum.
60. Poulsen B.O., Krabbe N., Frølander A., Hinojosa M.B., & Quiroga C.I. (1997) A rapid assessment of Bolivian and Ecuadorian montane avifaunas using 20-species lists: efficiency, biases and data gathered. Bird Conservation International 7:53-67.
61. Poulsen B.O., Krabbe N., Frølander A., Hinojosa M.B., & Quiroga C.I. (1997) A note on 20-species lists. Bird Conservation International. 7:53-67.
62. Poulsen B.O. & Krabbe N. (1997) Appendix 3. Birds of Oyacachi. pp. 109-112. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA)
63. Poulsen B.O. (1997) Biodiversitet og bæredygtig udvikling i Andesbjergene. Naturligvis 1997 26-30.
64. Poulsen B.O. & Krabbe N. (1997) The diversity of cloud forest birds on the eastern and western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes: a latitudinal and comparative analysis with implications for conservation. Ecography 20:475-482.
65. Poulsen B.O. & Krabbe N. (1997) Avian rarity in ten cloud-forest communities in the Andes of Ecuador: implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 6:1365-1375.
66. Robbins M.B., Krabbe N., Rosenberg G.H., & Sornoza M.F. The treeline avifauna at Cerro Mongus, Prov. Carchi, north-eastern Ecuador. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
67. Romoleroux K., Foster F., Valencia R., Condit R., Balslev H., & Losos E. (1997) Especies leñosas (dab>=1 mc) encontradas en dos hectáreas de un bosque de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. pp. 189-215. In Valencia R. and Balslev H (eds.) Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Botánica realizado en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
68. Sagastegui A. & Quipuscoa V. (1998) Seis nuevas especis de Verbesina L. (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) de los Andes del Peru. Arnaldoa. 5(1): 35-50.
69. Salinas L., Franke I., Samamé M., & Fjeldså J. (1998) Primer regiestro de Amaurospiza concolor Emberizidae, Passeriformes para el Peru. ICBAR VII Reunion Cientifica: 107.
70. Schjellerup I. & Sørensen A.M. (1995) Ethnobotany of the Chachapoyas people: Use of Plants from the peruvian montane forest and related areas. pp. 579-599. In Churchill SP (ed.) Biodiversity and Conservation of Neotropical montane forests. New York.: New York Bot. Gard.,
71. Schjellerup I. (1996) Om forskning i kulturel og biologisk diversitet i Andesbjergenes regnskove. Nationalmuseets Årsberetning 1995: 39-40.
72. Schjellerup I. (1996) Danish anthropological, archaeological and museological Americanistic work during the last two centuries. International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. XIII Congress, Forlí, Italy 1996: 91-96.
73. Schjellerup I. (1996) Om marsvinet i andinsk folklore. Tidskriftet Antropologi 3:83-90.
74. Schjellerup I. (1997) Interdisciplinary fesearch on the cultural and biological diversity of the Andean rainforests. In past and present in Andean prehistory and early history. Workshop at the Etnografiska Museet. Ethnological Studies 42: 181-192.
75. Schjellerup I. (1997) Incas and Spaniards in the Conquest of the Chachapoyas. Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research in the North-eastern Peru. GOTARC Series B. Gothenburg Archaeological Theses. NO 7. Göteborg University.
76. Schjellerup I. (1997) Over bjergene - ned i skovene. Forskning blandt indianske folk i Andesbjergenes regnskove. pp. 30-40. In Hvass S: (ed.) Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark 1997.
77. Schjellerup I. (1998) Urnas, arcilla y agua. Proyecto de Rescate Arqueológico San Antonio, Napo, Ecuador. Jahresbericht 1997, Sweitzerish-Liechtensteinische Stiftung für archäologische Forschungen im Ausland. pp. 171-187.
78. Schjellerup I. (1998) Los Ídolos de Agua Santa - Distrito Chumuch, Provincia de Celendin, Cajamarca. Revista del Museo de Arqueologìa, Antropología e Historia, Universidad de Trujillo. 221-230.
79. Schjellerup I. (1999) (In press) Aspects of the Inca Frontier in the Chachapoyas region. 49th International Congress of Americanists, Quito. Tawantinsuyu. Una revista Internacional de estudios Inkas. Canberra.
80. Schjellerup I. (1999) (In press) The Spanish bishop Don Jaime Baltasar Martinéz Compañón, Trujillo, Peru. Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C.
81. Schjellerup I. (1999) Wayko-Lamas: A Quechua Comunity in the Selva Alta of North Peru under Change. Danish Journal of Geography.
82. Schjellerup I. (1999) (In press) Miljøforskning i La Morada, Peru. Nyt fra Nationalmuseet Marts, April, Maj.
83. Schjellerup I. (1999) (In press) Evidencia Incaica en la Sierra Norte en la Provincia de Chachapoyas. VIII Congreso Peruano del Hombre y la Cultura Andina, Trujillo
84. Skov F. & Borchsenius F. (1997) Predicting plant species distributions patterns using simple climatic parameters - A case study of Ecuadorian palms. Ecography. 20:347-355.
85. Skov F., Poulsen B.O., & Krabbe N. (1997) Scenario analyses. pp. 80-88. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA).
86. Skov F. (1997) Physical setting. pp. 13-14. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA).
87. Skov F. (1998) Physical setting. pp. 13-14. In Borgtoft H., Skov F, Fjeldså J, Schjellerup I, and Øllgaard B (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report NO 3.
88. Skov F. (1998) Patterns of biodiversity, environmental perception and land use in rain forest ecosystems - building a knowledge base for sustainable development. Miljøforskning. 35:33-42.
89. Skov, F. (Submitted). Assessment of tropical biodiversity using GIS. Proceedings for the ScanGIS conference at Aalborg University Centre June 1999.
90. Skov F. & Borchsenius F. (submitted) Conservation status of Ecuadorian palms. Acta. Ven. Bot.
91. Skov F., Borgtoft H. & Fjeldsaa J. (1999) Tropisk biodiversitet - skov og mennesker i Ecuador. DMU TEMA rapport no 25: 1-55.
92. Ståhl B., Øllgaard B., Navarette H., & Baez S. (1997) Appendix 1. Plants of Oyacachi. pp. 94-102. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA).
93. Ståhl B., Øllgaard B., & Resl R. (1997) Vegetation. pp. 15-24. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA).
94. Ståhl B., Øllgaard B., & Navarette H. (1997) Appendix 2. Description of transect sites. pp. 103-108. In Pedersen HB (ed.) Oyacachi - people and Biodiversity, DIVA Technical report NO 2. Kalø, Denmark.: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA).
95. Ståhl B., Øllgaard B., & Resl R. (1998) Vegetation. pp. 15-20. In Borgtoft H., Skov F., Fjeldså J., Schjellerup I., and Øllgaard B. (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. DIVA Technical report NO 3. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA).
96. Ståhl B., Øllgaard B., Navarette H., & Baez S. (1998) Appendix 1. Plants of Muints, Makuma, Canelos and Chapetón - an annotated list of Vascular plants. pp. 159-166. In Pedersen HB, Skov F, Fjeldså J, Schjellerup I, and Øllgaard B (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report NO 3.
97. Ståhl B. & Navarette H. (1998) Appendix 3. Description of transect sites. pp. 180-183. In Pedersen HB, Skov F, Fjeldså J, Schjellerup I, and Øllgaard B (eds.) People and Biodiversity - Two case studies from the Andean foothills of Ecuador. Kalø, Denmark: Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report NO 3.
98. Young, K.R. & Leon, B.(1999). Peru´s humid eastern montane forests: An overview of their physical settings, biological diversity, human use and settlement, and conservation needs. Centre for research on Cultural and Biological Diversity of Andean Rainforests (DIVA) DIVA Technical report NO 5.
99. Valencia N., Franke, I. S.L. (1998). Flora y avifauna del Bosque de Huamba, Departemento de Piura. ICBAR VII Reunion Cientifica: 112.
100. Valencia R., Balslev H., Palacios W., Neill, D., Josse, C., Tirado, M. and Skov, F. (1998) Diversity and family composition of trees in different regions of Ecuador: a sample of 18 one-hectare plots. pp. 569 - 584. In Dallmeier F & Komiskey (eds.) 1998. Forest Biodiversity in North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean: Research and monitoring. Man and Biosphere Series 21. The Parthenon Publishing Group, Paris.
101. Valencia R., Balslev H., & Paz y Miño G.C.Y. (1998) Tamaño y distribución vertical de los árboles en una hectárea de un bosque muy diverso de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. pp. 173-188. In: Valencia R and Balslev H (eds.) Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Botánica realizado en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
102. Williams N.M. & Andersen P.N. (1997) Use of high resolution satellite imagery and GIS to quantify bird habitats in the dry valleys of Cochabamba, Bolivia, M. Sc. Thesis Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen; pp. 1-85.
103. Øllgaard B. (1995) Diversity of Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae) in Neotropical Montane Forest. pp. 349-358. In Churchill SP (ed.)Biodiversity and Conservation of Neotropical Montane Forest. New York: New York Botanical Garden.
104. Øllgaard B. (1996) Neotropical Huperzia Lycopodiaceae - distribution of species richness. pp. 93-100. In: Camus (eds.) Pteridology in Perspective.
105. Øllgaard B. (1996) Materials for a checklist of the Ecuadorian Pteridophytes. Working Paper.

 Conferences - Presentations  Index
1. Achutequi E. 1997. Wayko-Lamas: Comunidad Quechua en la selva alta del norte perua . 49. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Quito, 7-11 de Julio de 1997. Simposio de antropologia, ANT 09: Diversidad Cultural y Biológica en el Region Andino
2. Achutequi E. 1998. La interculturalidad como medio para preservar la cultura tradicional de los Lamas en la selva norte del Peru. IV Congresso Nacional de estudiantes de Antropologia del Peru. 23. - 27. De Noviembre. Trujillo, Peru.
3. Borgtoft, H. & Skov, F. (1998). Mapping the Potential for palm extractivism in Ecuador. The Society for Economic Botany's Annual Meeting, Århus University, Århus, 13-17 July.
4. Fjeldså, J. & Hjarsen, T. Sustainability of Andean Forestry for Development in the Andes. III International Symposium on Sustainable Mountain Development, Quito 10-17 Dec. 1998.
5. Espinoza C. 1997. Analisis de genero en la percepción del medio ambiente de la población Andina y su desafio en el desarrollo. 49. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Quito, 7-11 Juli 1997. Simposio de antropologia, ANT 09: Diversidad Cultural y Biológica en el Region Andino.
6. Morales P.M. 1997. El hombre y sus relaciones adaptativas en los Bosques Pluviales: Uso del paramo andino y de la selva amazonica - DIVA - ECUADOR. 49. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Quito, 7-11 de Julio de 1997. Simposio de antropologia, ANT 09: Diversidad Cultural y Biológica en el Region Andino
7. Navarrete H. & Øllgaard B. (1997). Comparison of pteridophyte diversity in secondary and mature forest in northern Cutucú. Nordic Meeting on Neotropical Botany, University of Aarhus, July.
8. Schjellerup I. 1997. Ecología historica en el proyecto DIVA (Centro para Investigación para la Investigación de la Diversidad Biológica y Cultural de los Bosques Pluviales Andinos 49. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Quito, 7-11 Juli 1997. Simposio de antropologia, ANT 09: Diversidad Cultural y Biológica en el Region Andino .
9. Schjellerup I. 1997. Aspects of the Inca frontier. 49. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Quito, 7-11 Juli 1997. Simposio de antropologia, ANT 09: Diversidad Cultural y Biológica en el Region Andino
10. Schjellerup I. 1996. Danish anthropological, archaeological and museological Americanistic work during the last two centuries. International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. XIII Congress, Forlí, Italy.
11. Schjellerup I. 1996. Past and Present in Andean prehistory and Early History. Contributions by Nordic Scholars in Archaeology and related Disciplines. Etnografiska Museet, Göteborg. Sweden.
12. Skov, F. 1995. El uso de sistemas de informacion geográfica (SIG) en estudios de biodiversidad. I: Resúmenes. II Congreso Ecuaoriano de Botánica (eds. Josse, C. and Rios, M.). Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Quito.
13. Skov, F. 1997. Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in botanical research. 7th Nordic Meeting on Botanical Research in the Neotropics, Department of Systematic Botany, Århus University, Århus, 3.-8. Aug. 1997.
14. Skov, F. (1997). Use of GIS in scenario analysis and environmental management. Inception Workshop. Collaboration on Biodiversity between Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Danish Universities. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Sep. 18.-20.
15. Skov, F. 1997. GIS for mapping and analysis in development research. Conference on Development and Environment arranged by the Research Council for Development Research (Oct. 1997).
16. Skov, F. 1998. People and Biodiversity in Ecuador. Conference on Development and Biodiversity arranged by the Research Council for Development Research, Copenhagen (Oct. 21st 1998).
17. Øllgaard B. 1995. Neotropical Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae) - distribution of species richness. Pteridophytes in Perspective, Holttum Centenary Symposium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. July.
Conferences - Posters
1. Andersen P.N. & Williams N.M. 1998. Use of high-resolution satellite imagery as a tool for management of fragmented landscapes in the central Bolivian Andes. III international symposium of the Andean Association, Quito, Ecuador. Dec. 9-14.
2. Navarrete H.1995. The Genus Dennstaedtia in Ecuador: The importance of field work in taxonomic studies. Pteridophytes in Perspective, Holttum Centenary Symposium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. July, 1995.
3. Schjellerup I. 1997. The Inca frontier in the Chachapoyas Province, North-Eastern Peru. European Archaelogical Association , Göteborg.
4. Skov, F. 1995. The DIVA project in Ecuador. First International Symposium on measuring and monitoring biodiversity, organised by the Smithsonian Institution/MAB Biological Diversity Program. May 1995.
18. Schjellerup I. & Swanson G. 1998. Settlement patterns and changing landscapes. Conference on Development and Biodiversity arranged by the Research Council for Development Research, Copenhagen (Oct. 21st 1998).

 Newspapers, television, radio  Index

1. Berlingske Tidende. Forskere på opdagelse i Sydamerikas regnskove. Bjerg T. (15-04-1997) p.4
2. Berlinske Tidende. Blomsterhilsen til forsker der elsker højderne. Nielsen L.L. (13-12-1998) p.4
3. Berlingske Tidende. Balancegang i regnskoven & Tværfagligheden er styrken. Thostrup, L. (12-01-99) p. 6-7.
4. Bolivian Times. Why is Parque Nacional de Tunari a national park? (25-04-1996) p.11.
5. Danmarks Radio, P1, Studie 2000, Telefoninterview med Flemming Skov i indslag om udviklingsforskning. (25-05-1997).
6. Ingeniøren. På bare tæer i urskoven. Jørgensen L. (25-04-1997) pp. 14-15.
7. Jyllands Posten. Nyfundet plante i Peru opkaldt efter dansker. Bech J. (17-12-1998)
8. Krajick K. (1998) Green farming by the Incas? Science 281:14-15.
9. La Industria. Sostiene investigadora danesa: "Communeros nativos tienen soluciones a los problemas del medio ambiente". (25-09-1995)
10. Meyer G. (1998) Flora bliver tyndere mens den skrives. Miljøforskning for fremtiden 37:36-39.
11. Meyer G. (1998) Naturligt fællesskab mellem fugle og folk. Miljøforskning for fremtiden 37:6-9.
12. Meyer G. (1998) Resultater sendes retur. Miljøforskning for fremtiden 37:50-53.
13. Meyer G. (1998) Varige værdier er en mangelvare. Miljøforskning for fremtiden 37:20-22.
14. Moore P.D. (1998) Incas and alders. Nature 394:224-225.
15. Nuevo Norte. Sapiencia al servicio de la investigacion. Soberóhn N.D. (29-07-1997)
16. Presencia. Se debe plantar más especies nativas en los Andes de Bolivia. (30-04-1996) p.2
17. Politiken. Blomst får dansk forskers navn. Ahm. L. (12-11-1998) p.6
18. Terney O. (1998) Danskere opdager nye fuglearter. Bio-Nyt. pp. 21-23.

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