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The centre has been established from 1994 to 1998. The main purpose for the centre has been to improve strategies and designs for sustainable use of tropical rainforest ecosystems.The research in DIVA has been organised in 8 modules

  • Project databases and GIS  
  • Mapping environmental constraints
  • Mapping biodiversity based on present day knowledge and new collection 
  • Methodologies for standardised sampling and for modelling biological distributions
  • Environmental perception, local use of natural resources, and land-use classification and mapping
  • The influence of different cultural pressures on biodiversity
  • Socio-economic scenarios: Prediction of future development trends
  • Decision support tools for better planning

Information folders about the project and its modules in Danish, English and Spanish can be downloaded from Generel Information. For further information, contact Flemming Skov, E-mail:

© Diva 1999 / Poul Nygaard Andersen, Neri / E-mail: // Last Update: December 1999